Primesense Kinect Camera Drivers For Mac

  1. Primesense Camera
  2. Software For Primesense Sensor
  3. Primesense Kinect Camera Drivers For Mac Pro

OpenNI/NITE Installation on Windows OpenNI/NITE Installation on Windows May 2014: PrimeSense was bought by Apple at the end of April, and the website was shut down. Fortunately, several sites have set up archives of the old OpenNI and NITE software, such as. When looking through these archives, it's important to remember that the code examples in my book use OpenNI version 1.

It's quite different from version 2, which sports many changes to the skeleton and hand detection functions, resulting in big changes to NITE as well. In other words, you need to find archive copies of version 1 of OpenNI and NITE to run my code.

Sporting an RGB camera, multiarray microphones, and a depth sensor capable of full-body 3D motion. Install OpenNI, NITE, and SensorKinect for OS X.

The following instructions explain how to do that. This page is written in the form of a checklist. If you prefer a wordier explanation, then please have a look at section 3 of the. Remember that it refers to the now-defunct OpenNI website from 2012, so ignore any weblink information in that chapter. Clean Up Useful freeware tools for cleaning Windows:,.

use to delete any applications that mention 'Kinect', 'Xbox', 'PrimeSense', 'OpenNI' or 'NITE'. delete the C: Program Files PrimeSense and C: Program Files OpenNI directories (or the equivalents for your platform). uninstall any drivers that mention 'Kinect', 'Xbox' or 'PrimeSense' via Window's Device Manager 2. Download the Packages Download the relevant OpenNI/NITE zip file from the downloads website.

Primesense Kinect Camera Drivers For Mac

Search for 'All Downloads' to find suitable versions of OpenNI and NITE for Windows, Linux, and OSX. I recommend the following:. Windows 32-bit: Windows 64-bit: Linux 32-bit:

Linux 64-bit: OSX: For example, the Windows 32-bit zip file contains four installers:. nite-win32- openni-win32- SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi. sensor-win32- I've also made that zip file available; it's 120 MB large.

There are two installers containing the word 'sensor', which relate to the SensorKinect driver. It seems that the driver inside SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi is compiled using VC 2010 so you must have Microsoft's VC 2010 redistributable installed for the driver to correctly execute.

The redistributable is inside sensor-win32- If you don't want to install the 64-bit version of OpenNI on your 64-bit Windows machine, then you can use the 32-bit installer instead. Some good instructions on how to do that can be found. Installation Install the four downloaded packages in the order:. OpenNI: openni-win32-

Primesense Camera

SensorKinect driver - there are two steps: first sensor-win32-, and then SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi. NITE: nite-win32- Afterwards, check if the software is in the C: Program Files OpenNI and C: Program Files PrimeSense directories.

To install the three hardware drivers (for motor, audio, and camera), you should:. plug the Kinect into your PC and into the mains;. this will trigger Windows into installing the drivers, but don't let the installation search for the drivers itself.

Instead you should supply their location in C: Program Files PrimeSense SensorKinect Driver. afterwards, check if the 3 drivers show up in Windows' Device Manager under a 'PrimeSense' header Delete OpenNI's Java CLASSPATH environment variable via Windows' System control panel Advanced tab 4.

Edit four XML Configuration Files In C: Program Files PrimeSense NITE Data edit:. Sample-Scene.xml. Sample-Training.xml. Sample-User.xml In C: Program Files OpenNI Data edit:.

SampleConfig.xml The edits to these XML files are:. add the PrimeSense license:. add attributes to all the subterms: Look at SampleConfig.xml in the for examples of these changes. Test OpenNI and NITE In C: Program Files OpenNI Samples Bin Release, run the applications:.

NiSimpleRead.exe. NiSimpleViewer.exe. NiViewer.exe,. NiUserTracker.exe. In C: Program Files PrimeSense NITE Samples Bin Release, run:. Sample-Boxes.exe 6. Start Java Programming The Java wrappers for OpenNI and NITE are part of the installation, so you can now start programming.

For details, please read the. Navigation:. Up to the. On to Dr. Andrew Davison E-mail: Back to.

The narrative around Kinect and how hackers and artists has always been a little oversimplified. You may have heard something like this: thanks to a bounty, creative individuals “hacked” Microsoft’s Kinect camera and made it open. That’s true, but it isn’t the whole story. While there is a “hacked” Kinect toolset, most of the creative applications you’ve seen make use of a richer set of frameworks from OpenNI. “OpenNI” referred to an alliance of individuals and organizations, and was supposed to represent various interests, as well as what the group called on their Website “an open source SDK used for the development of 3D sensing middleware libraries and applications.” And now the kinda-sorta-open thing is about to be a huge problem, with the sudden demise of OpenNI and no recourse for anyone using its tools.

When you hear long-bearded gentlemen complaining about the vagaries of the term “open source” or “open,” this is the very thing that keeps them up at night. First, OpenNI was always dominated by a single company, PrimeSense.

And rightfully so: PrimeSense developed the core technologies in the first Kinect camera, and had the talent who knew how to use it. But that in turn meant that OpenNI was heavily skewed toward that one vendor. Second, “open” was used to describe the whole project, when the whole project wasn’t open. And now the entire project is about to shutter. PrimeSense was bought by Apple, and the direct result of that acquisition (as I and many others predicted) as the demise of OpenNI. In fact, with Apple splashing just this kind of creative technology all over their Website on the anniversary of the Mac, it’s deeply disappointing that Apple leadership isn’t intervening here. The closing of OpenNI is unceremonious and absent any kind of useful information.

Visitors only get this: “Software downloads will continue to be available until April 23rd, 2014 at which time the OpenNI website will be closed.” Assuming both OpenNI and its site are dead, the question becomes how to redistribute and license the code. The issue is, there are two components. There’s the OpenNI SDK, which is under an open license and redistributable. But the good bits are part of what’s called “middleware” – additional, proprietary licenses.

Software For Primesense Sensor

And that’s where the real magic of what Kinect does lies, the “skeleton tracking, hand point tracking, and gesture recognition.” All of that is about to go away. And because NiTE is strictly proprietary, even the free (as in beer) downloads formerly used by artists are now off-limits. This is likely to be an ongoing challenge with clever new depth-sensing camera technologies, because there is a lot of “special sauce” that is remaining proprietary. So far, the knowledge of how to make that work has been restricted enough to the proprietary sector that there aren’t really open source alternatives. That said, in a bizarre twist of fate, you can actually look to Microsoft (no joke) for actually understanding open source technology and working with the community, as Apple does quite the opposite. Microsoft’s previously-mentioned open SDK, while Windows-only, has better licensing, and will work with the new Kinect 2 camera.

Primesense Kinect Camera Drivers For Mac Pro

And Microsoft fully owns their technology, and has worked to integrate it recently with creative tools like Cinder (not to be confused with Tinder) and OpenFrameworks. Developers in the community are already tracking the status of libraries, and which rely on the now-about-to-die NiTE. We would love to join that effort at CDM. I’m doing additional research and will follow up next week.

But in the meantime, please contact us in comments if you’d like to update us on the status of your own library or projects. And OS X users, you may soon be looking at installing Windows. (Seriously, with Boot Camp, it’s super easy.) See you next week with more. Previously: Bad news, Apple: Good news, Microsoft.

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