Feature Request: Use Calendar Week As Defer/due Date
If there's a fixed start or end date, set the Start date or Due date. Set the task's priority by using Priority. If you want a pop-up reminder, check Reminder, and set.
- Feature Request: Use Calendar Week As Defer/due Dates
- Feature Request Use Calendar Week As Defer/due Date
Feature Request: Use Calendar Week As Defer/due Dates
Another few things I wanted to add to:. I would love for OmniFocus to get some sort of quick-entry (a-la Fantastical or Todoist), using the TaskPaper syntax that they already have for automation. It’s nuts that I can more quickly create multiple to-do’s by exporting from the Drafts app via the TaskPaper syntax rather than creating the task in OmniFocus itself, and I hope that the process for entering tasks can be improved in OmniFocus 3. I really want to see the time entry (for due and defer dates) improved. I get that the default controls that Apple provides are there and easy to implement, but man do they leave a lot to be desired. Picking dates from a calendar-like month-view would be great, incrementing/decrementing times like Due would be fantastic, etc.
Feature Request Use Calendar Week As Defer/due Date
There are plenty of other apps that solve Apple’s poor time entry implementations and I would love for OF 3 to improve on the defaults as well. If I think of anything else I’ll be sure to post them here. My top three:.
Summarizing Estimated Duration in grouped items and perspectives as summarized. Conditional background highlighting of task items. So, for example, if you had a #highpriority tag, the background could be shaded automatically. This would mean that instead #highpriority requiring its own list or group, #highpriority items could be highlighted in every group it’s in.
Mac Version and iPad version: Forecast perspective uses multiple columns with reorderable rows (similar to how Trello functions) for better use of horizontal space for those wide monitors we all have.