Cgtalk Any New Hdris For Mac
The beta test of the Mac OS X version of Filter Forge has been closed on March 31, 2009. You can request any number of keys for any edition of Filter Forge for Mac. “I really like Filter Forge, I seem to find new uses for it constantly. The 2.0 upgrade looks great, HDR will be really welcome.”. Feb 6, 2010 - Looks like the new alphabetical sorting got hung up on the mac (for whatever reason), so I took a shortcut there. Still no joy with OB 9.6.1 (all builds) 32x and 64x - crashes Layout immediately. Universal rendering API that allows full modeling on any renderer and fully integrated. Super fast importance-sampled HDR environment light support. 'Installation-free' package (just download/unpack and run) for both Linux and Mac. Adding anything from an integrated renderer to a new modeling tool-kit, as plugins.
Originally Posted by onlooker It was just a thread discussing the Mac Pro, and that was the one post that had that in it. It wasn't a whole subject dedicated to video cards or anything. As you can guess at CGTalk they were a bit unhappy about the limited video card choices made available.
THey were unusually happy about the Mac Pro specs, and pricing otherwise though. Sorry about the 'merry go round' type event on the other thread. I'm trying to get a much positive information as I can about the MacPro. My Grandparents need a new computer and so do a couple of my friends. Needless to say, I would like them to switch. Originally Posted by Kickaha Not to dump water on this fascinating thread, but maimezvous, do you really think your family members.NEED. the raw power of a Mac Pro?
You might want to be looking at the iMac or mini instead. Unless, of course, grandma is a biogenetics researcher who needs to crank through a few million basepair matches in her spare time. Yeah you're right. My grandparents don't need the MacPro. I'm pushing the Mini on them.
A few of my friends are into gaming and video editing so the MacPro would be the system for them. The limited expandability of the Macs was the basis for one of my friend's arguments to stick to Windows machines, so this is good news. Originally Posted by ZachPruckowski He meant that any graphics card would work in Windows, but does it work at boot time (not a huge deal) or in OS X (which is pretty big, since it'd be a shame to have a 8800GT or whatever and not have it work in the real OS) Just a guess but Apples Nvidia Drivers should technically work in with any nvidia cards because their source code for regular cards are not card specific. Apples driver updates usually cover a wide range of functionality over many cards.
I don't think there would be a problem. I think the only card you may have a hard time getting to work would be a 7950gx2 or something that may require some features that their regular cards do not have. I could be wrong. Originally Posted by onlooker Scratch that. There are some scattered reports in various forums on this, and some cards are working, but others aren't. Apple is probably going to get involved in this because it made it's way to Apples forums, and users are getting upset in lack of driver support. You mean by allowing us to use cheaper Windows/PC cards?
Nah didn't think so. Although someone mentioned in a previous thread to use a powerful (let's say, already owned) graphics card in the primary 16x slot and whatever lowend Nvidia card comes in the default Mac Pro setup. Then use a video switch to chose which one you want. Yeah, I'm a shmuck, I'm consider this Mac Pro as a single machine that can both run Windows XP (Games) and Mac OS X (everything else). I already own a Radeon X1900 XT in my PC with a custom heatsink that makes it quieter then most. Problem with all this is (1) switching takes up two slots and requires a video switch and (2) I have to use Windows if I want to game. Sure stuff like FlatOut 2 and Steam aren't ported but I also play a lot of Quake 3 and Quake 4, those can be done in OS X without rebooting.
If I don't see anything in a month I'll go ahead with my PC and Mac mini w/ Merom upgrade plan. Originally Posted by onlooker Just a guess but Apples Nvidia Drivers should technically work in with any nvidia cards because their source code for regular cards are not card specific.
Apples driver updates usually cover a wide range of functionality over many cards. I don't think there would be a problem. I think the only card you may have a hard time getting to work would be a 7950gx2 or something that may require some features that their regular cards do not have.
I could be wrong. The cards may need a efi bios on be able to work in osx. Originally Posted by IonYz You mean by allowing us to use cheaper Windows/PC cards? Nah didn't think so. Well the real problem I read is PC users are buying Mac Pro's and having any card they want, and abandoning the Mac OS side entirely because of it. At this point Apple should take a better look at what's going on. #1) Mac users/buyers are really wanting a better choice of cards available to them weather it be from Apple or not.
(preferably not because they are cheaper) #2) PC users are walking in our house kicking our asses up and down. #3) if we thought just because there are people less interested in graphics upgrades in this forum you should take a look at Apples forums, and every other Mac forum. The need far exceeds what Apple is providing, and probably what they, and we expected. This is becoming a huge issue. Just on a side note. It appears from what I read elsewhere that with the way that the motherboard is configurable on the Mac Pro it is actually possible to configure it to a dual 16X PCI-E configuration.
This may not be a stock configuring, but it's possible for the 3D or gaming enthusiast. Originally Posted by onlooker Well the real problem I read is PC users are buying Mac Pro's and having any card they want, and abandoning the Mac OS side entirely because of it. At this point Apple should take a better look at what's going on. On one hand that is great from a hardware perspective, Apple has its money. On the other hand, yeah, it says something about the absolute dearth the Mac Video Card Market is. It's pathetic. I've been an Apple users for 6 years so I know it's too much to ask that I own the EXACT same model ATI card in my PC but that it won't function in a Mac for Mac OS.
I know that, I've come to expect that from Apple. New users who are told that all Macs are now just glorified PCs won't understand that. Then it becomes bad for Apple when users have to jump through hoops (we are used to it, they aren't) to get hardware working from 'one PC to another'. Hell, I told myself many years ago that I'm not going to upgrade just because of games.
Cgtalk Any New Hdris For Mac 2017
But here I am, contemplating a consolidation. But I already own a very upgraded but very loud Power Mac G4, a G4 Cube, a Mac mini G4, and a Mac mini solo. The Mac Pro has to work without a hitch in order for me to justify ANOTHER Mac purchase haha. Originally Posted by Placebo See, the good news is, when Apple releases new Mac Pros around January, potentially with 8800GTXs or what have you, the drivers will be available through software update and thus you can buy an off-the-shelf PC card provided that it's been featured in a Mac Pro and thus has drivers.
OK, but how is that related to say the Radeon X1900 XT? If that exact card already exists the problem (I thought) was the ROM because most PC chips are 64K and only hold BIOS code whereas the Mac cards have 128K and hold both EFI and BIOS. Are the newer PC cards 128K now?
Or am I looking too closely? I don't care about just using any card, but having it work for Mac OS as well as Windows.
About Graphical Editors You can use graphical editors not only for editing but also for viewing graphics or creating new files. Raster Graphics Editors Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Photoshop - A professional tool for editing image files, graphic data, photos in various formats and modes. You can create and edit graphics or adjust colors. You can create photomontages. It works with so called layers which can be explained as foils with single image data which are layered on each other.
Examples of usage:. graphical draft of a website. graphical draft of a promotional material or a printed matter.
editing photos, photomontages, retouching, facelifting. graphics and design for companies (so called corporate identity) Samples: (source: ) Freeware. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) - This is a multiplatform program which can be used for editing and creating bitmap and partly vector graphics. You can use it for drawing images or for special adjustments of photos, their retouching or just as a presenter of graphical files. It can be extended by several plug-ins and scripts.
A great advantage is that it is free because it is distributed under GPL. It is also fully localized into Czech. The default format is XCF (it saves channels, layers and additional information about images) but it can be used for importing or exporting various other formats including the default format of Adobe Photoshop (partly). Examples of usage:. editing photos, the possibility to use many known filters and scripts.
creation of collages. creation of graphic elements for web pages Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) Viewing and Editing Photos Adobe Systems Incorporated. Lightroom - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom contains the basic set of tools for photographers and allows you to manage, edit and present large number of digital photos. Lightroom allows you to create quick user macros. These macros can contain several improving adjustments and you can apply them on single photos, or on the whole set of photos inside your gallery. You can use adjustments as cropping, filtering or color adjustments for the whole gallery.
The program is divided to 5 basic parts (modules) – a library for organizing photos (Library), a part for their editing (Develop), a part for creating presentations (Slideshow) and web photogalleries (Web). Printing has its own category (Print).
Examples of usage:. viewing, editing, creating catalogues, conversion of large amount of photos. conversion of color photos to black and white ones. creation of schemes which can automatically edit the following photos (so called macros). working with photos in RAW format. presenting photos in digital galleries.
creation of web presentations Samples: (source: ) (source: ) ZONER software, a.s. Zoner Photo Studio - Zoner Photo Studio is program for the widest group of users of digital cameras and scanners.
It contains everything for quality processing of digital photos in all steps: downloading into computer, automatic and creative adjustments and removing failures in photos, tools for simple archiving and large possibilities for sharing and publishing photos. ZPS is rather designed for a home use - for fans of digital photography who want to organize their collections of photos for several presentations and for printing. An editor is also part of it so you can use it for editing photos.
Cgtalk Any New Hdris For Mac 2016
Many functions can be used for mass processing of photos. Examples of usage:. effective publishing photos on DVD (using the function Pan and Zoom). processing and using GPS data with a straight connection to maps (for example GoogleMaps).
creation of „pseudo“ HDR images from one RAW photo. creating panoramic photos and 3D images.
easy creation of calendars, list of contacts and more using enclosed schemes Samples: (source: ) (source: ) Freeware. Picasa (Google) - Picasa is a free program for organizing photos which can help you quickly find, edit, sort, organize and share photos in your computer. Photos are separated into visual albums according to the date and title of directories. You can change this layout or create new groups. Picasa allows you to simply share photos; you can send photos in an e-mail or print them, create gifts or send photos on your blog.
You can use several basic functions as removing red eyes, cropping, rotating or adjusting brightness. This program has been translated to 37 languages so far. A great advantage of Picasa is extremely fast viewing of images as well as indexing, loading previews, moving to the following image and more.
Examples of usage:. using GPS data from EXIF metadata of photo and connecting it to GoogleMaps. presenting photos on web using the service Picasa Web Albums - online gallery for photos which is free (
generating websites from 6 possible schemes automatically. creation of presentations (slideshow) Samples: (source: ) (source: ). PhotoFiltre Studio - Program used for editing, adjusting and inserting effects into images and photos. You can use hundreds of filters to create various effects, insert texts, blur, sharpen, import, merge photos together, convert color photos to black and white ones, create previews and much more. PhotoFiltre supports most of the standard image formats (.bmp,.bmp/rle,.gif,.jpeg,.png,.targa,.tiff,.ico).
You can use a set of plug-ins (additional modules) for this program which can convert this program in a really powerful tool. Czech manual is a great advantage and this software is free for personal use and educational purposes.
PhotoFiltre offers you a simple set of controls and intuitive user interface. Examples of usage:. common editing of images, applying filters etc. creating postcards or post envelopes. connecting and merging two images to one.
artistic blending. creating of photomontages. creation of your own schemes (masks) for color corrections or for borders Samples: (source: ) (source: ) Vector Graphics Editors Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Illustrator - Adobe Illustrator offers you a complex environment for working with vector graphics and for creating illustrations. It connects its functions with professional output for print, multimedia or web. This program is the most used one for vector graphics in the world. It cooperates with other programs like Adobe Photoshop and the newest version of Adobe Flash. Using this, Illustrator extends its usability also for interactive web applications. Vector drawings are ideal to be imported into flash animations because of low demands on transferred data.
Examples of usage:. digital drawings. collages. drafts of logotypes. creation of leaflets.
straight connection with Adobe Flash can be used to extend its usability also for interactive web applications Samples: (source: ) (source: ) Corel Corporation. Corel Draw - CorelDRAW is the second most used software for vector graphics after Adobe Illustrator. It offers a similar spectrum of functions as Illustrator but the main difference is in the user interface. Several graphic effects are not as good-looking as in other programs. On the other way, Corel has excellent support for printing vector graphics. It offers you a user interface designed for the printed form (for example predefined workspaces - A4, A3, visit cards.) then you can use elaborated management of color profiles and also extended possibilities of settings for printing (crop and print marks, completing and more).
CorelDRAW is a part of the suite of programs CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. The newest version is Corel DRAW X4 (version 14). Examples of usage:. creation of graphic bases used to be printed.
creation of leaflets, posters Samples: (source: ) (source: ) ZONER software, a.s. Zoner Callisto - Zoner Callisto is an universal graphic editor for the widest use. This program contains a complete set of graphical tools needed to create a quality vector graphics as: drawing and editing shapes, drawing lines with styles, working with curves, simple tables. It represents a set of professional tools which are used for creating documents, plans, schemas, illustrations for printing or internet graphics. Zone Callisto belongs to the group of the fastest graphic editors because its response is immediate when working with this program.
Graphical tools are clearly divided to panels and galleries. This program is very similar to Adobe Illustrator of Corel Draw by its properties, logic and the way of control.
It does not contain so many functions as those programs but due to price availability and its abilities it is more than satisfying tool for common home use of for advanced graphic 'creations'. Examples of usage:. creation of advertisement matters for the area of business and marketing. creation of visit cards, posters and other documents. processing illustrations and graphical drafts, company logos and other creative graphics for printing and web, creation of plans, schemas and sketches Samples: (source: ) (source: ) Freeware. Inkscape - Multiplatform open source editor of vector graphics which natively works with the format SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics - scalable vector graphics using the W3C standard).
SVG is an opened format of vector images from Adobe Systems which is completely based on XML which gives it an advantage when creating for example dynamically generated images on web (for example graphs, lists of occupied places in cinemas etc.). This program supports the following SVG abilities: shapes, paths, text, marks, cloning, transparency, changing size, color gradients, patterns and grouping. Inscape also has support for Creative Commons meta-data, editing of nods, layers, complex operations with curves, tracing bitmaps, texts on curves, straight editing of XML and much more. Inskape allows you to import and export the JPEG, PNG, TIFF a more formats. You can use the ability to create texts with effects, work with levels, transform objects etc. It also contains tools for drawing curves and different objects.
Inkscape is even better than several commercial tools but does not offer so friendly environment. It is a very hopeful tool and you will probably hear more about it in the future. Examples of usage:. creation of icons (for example many icons in OS Linux were created by Inscape). typesetting of advertising inside an advertisement.
creation of charts, labels. creating booklets for CDs, DVDs. drafts for websites. creation of maps for games (usually using the library of „fingerprints“) Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) Modeling 3D Editors Autodesk, Inc. Studio 3D MAX - 3D Studio Max (also called as „3ds Max”) created by Autodesk is the most used professional 3D modeling software in the world. It can be used as modeling, animation or rendering software which offers uniform object-oriented base for people who create 3D graphics, visual effects, animations of characters and computer games of new generation. It offers a high quality interactive user interface and involves almost all possible tools for modeling, creating 2D objects from curves, working with materials, lights and animations.
One of the basic techniques of 3D modeling is circling a shape around a given axis (glass), dragging a shape along a given path (handle of cup), torsion, bending and deforming, rounding of object, cutting one shape into another one, their intersection, unification, also the modeling of mesh (net of vertexes) is important - working with vertexes, walls and edges of objects. 3ds Max supports various formats - except from native.MAX also the CAD formats.DWG and DXF. The built-in module Character Studio allows you to move your characters and creatures easily because it uses the inverse kinematics. The built-in module Reactor is a great tool for physical reactions of objects - it simulates reactions of solid and soft objects, textiles, gravitation forces, etc. Many films and games were created in this program. For example South Park City, Los Angeles, Godzilla, The Craft, Simpsons, Tomb Rider, Need for Speed, Ray Man etc.
Examples of usage:. postproduction - advertisements, films and other materials for TV industry. architectonic and construction visualizations. modeling objects for computer games Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) (source: ).
Maya - Autodesk Maya is one of the best 3D animation and modeling programs in the world. It is designed especially for creating digital effects for films or for creating the whole animated films. As in every other 3D program, you can create objects (using polygons, nurbs objects of meshes), then you can move them (using key positions or by adding effects etc.) and render everything into a video file. Maya is available in two basic versions - Maya Unlimited and Maya PLE (Personal Learning Edition) which is free for non-commercial use. The limitation of the PLE version is that all rendered images contain a watermark.
There are many effect modules and plug-ins for Maya which bring new functions and you can also use the script languages MEL and Python. The last version can be used under different operating systems - Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Examples of usage:. in TV and film industry for creating 3D effects. development of the graphic environment for games.
architecture and product visualizations Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) (source: ). Combustion - This program is used by graphic designers who require demanding effects. Combustion is an excellent composition and effect program from Autodesk for Windows and Mac OS. It offers a set of desktop tools for creating visual effects which can be created faster and with lower costs. It offers an intuitive interface, technology of movement tracking, keying, color corrections, vector drawing and rotoscoping, text effects. Single elements can be inserted into a real three-dimensional environment (3D composition).
A great advantage of this program is the wide ability to integrate with animation, illustration and drawing 3D software which include 3ds Max - the main animation program from Autodesk. Examples of usage:. extending animations created in another 3D program (for example 3ds Max) by a live footage. creation of professional graphics for videosequences.
editing the content of video material for web purposes. creation of effects for films or HDTV Samples: (source: ) (source: ). Flame - Autodesk Flame is a powerful system for creating and composing the most difficult 3D visual effects in realtime.
Flame is being used in films for creative and powerful HD composition and visual effects and uses a large amount of output formats - from video and HDTV to 4K digital films. Flame offers tools for keying, rotoscoping, 3D objects tracing, color corrections, morphing, batch and audio tools. It uses 3D portable format Autodesk FBX and Adobe PSD and cooperates with applications 3ds Max, Maya and other. You can use data storages via LTO, FireWire and USB. Examples of usage:. creation of visual effects and their composition in realtime Samples: (source: ). Smoke - Smoke is an integrated editing system for SD, HD, 2K films which uses the flame technology.
It offers powerful 3D effect tools for creative cutting, editing and completing of videos. Examples of usage:. advertisement, films, TV series Samples: (source: ). Inferno - Inferno (Autodesk) is an interactive system for creating drafts of visual effects in high resolution.
It offers a large set of tools, the ability to work in realtime and unrivaled performance, 3D environment for video, HDTV, creation of 2K and 4K digital films. There are different versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Examples of usage:. drafts of visual effects for advertising and film purposes Samples: (source: ) (source: ).
MotionBuilder - The animation program Autodesk MotionBuilder is a software collection of tools designed for 3D animators which can create fast and very quality animations of characters. It is based on a unique architecture which allows you to work in realtime, it uses an intelligent animation technology, environment with timeline called Story Timeline and offers advanced functions for physical simulations. The program allows you to make manual keying but also to edit data from Motion Capture device (several cameras capture the movement of an actor and this movement is transferred to a digital 3D object) and then to map them on any 3D model. MotionBuilder is fully integrated into Autodesk portfolio and cooperates with Maya, 3ds Max and Softimage. This is possible because of the ability to import and export files (scenes with lights, cameras, skeleton and skin) in format FBX which is a native format which was implemented in all Autodesk products. Examples of usage:. animation of characters in realtime as a part of large entertaining and gaming projects.
virtual cinematography controlled by a director Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ). Softimage xsi - Autodesk Softimage (previously Avid Softimage XSI) is a professional 3D program for animation used by many studios all around the world when creating visual effects, advertisement, films, computer games and similar projects.
It contains the most of required tools for modeling (ability to work with surfaces of different types, to use many deformations and at the top of that each object has its own history - all changes which are done to it are recorded), texturing, animation (linear and non-linear), rendering and scripting (VBScript, Jscript, Python or Perl, even C/C). It can be launched under Windows and Linux. The developers from company Konami Digital Entertainment, Sega Corporation or Ubisoft decided to use this software.
From companies dealing which special effects for films which chose this program we can name Animal Logic and Hybride, in case of film industry we can name Sin City or 300 for example. Examples of usage:. visual effects for film industry and advertisement Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (zdroj: ) (source: ) Apple. Shake - The graphical program Shake is designed for creating trick sequences and for composing scenes on Apple (with MacOS). There is a fully integrated support of 3D scenes.
Every project inside Shake consists of a linked network of effects and you can add a nod which will represent more layers. The control of 3D environment can be imported from other applications like Maya, Boujou or Pixel Farm. The final image which is created from effects represented by single nods can be dynamically changed anytime and you can see the result immediately because of the hardware support for rendering.
Shake was used for postproduction in many famous films like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dark Knight, Star Wars Episode 3, Poseidon or Pirates from the Caribbean. The development was ended; its successor is Final Cut Pro. Examples of usage:. film postproduction.
advertisement. working with video in high resolution (2K, 4K and IMAX) Samples: District 9: Motion Blur was created in the composition software Apple Shake (source: ) (source: ) Quantel Limited. Quantel - Quantel has a rich tradition in research, development, production and delivery of postproduction systems for videos and film applications. The most important systems are Editbox and Infinity. Editbox is an online non-linear system for cutting and adding effects which was designed for professional applications. The Infinity system can offer besides the whole palette of cutting functions, effects and history of cutting also an unlimited number of so called superlayers of video (you can place DVE effects, color corrections, keys etc.
To these layers and the result takes only one layer inside the system). It was designed for unlimited creativity in postproduction, especially for creation of advertising spots and visual effects. All Quantel systems are roofed under Quantel iQ. Quantel iQ represents the basic system infrastructure for integrated working environment which uses all hardware technologies of Quantel from processing video to advanced disk systems with the newest computer technologies and creates an absolutely opened platform. Quantel iQ can work with many video clips in any TV standard, bit depth, color space and sampling scheme in native non-compressed format and it can only convert the material to requested output format in realtime, no matter which combination of resolution is used in the cutting.
The platform Quantel iQ is so powerful that it allows you to run more applications on a system, share space on monitor and also share disk and database video and image information. Quantel iQ is the fastest, the most powerful and the most universal system technology for processing videos.
Example of usage:. mastering of whole films. creation of film cuts - digital mixes between scenes. cinema trailers and film cuts for various purposes Samples: (source: ) Freeware. Blender - Blender is an open-source application designed for creating 3D models, animations, rendering, postproduction and also interactive applications. One of its many functions is comfortable non-linear cutting of videos.
Blender also contains GameEngine which can be used to create interactive presentations, walk-through visualizations of interiors or computer games. This all can be done in Blender using the internal graphic editor with the ability to add a code in object-oriented programming language Python.
Scripts in Python allow you to extend the program with additional plug-ins, for example for generating trees, grass, animal fur etc. Or with import and export filters for communication with other applications. The interface is drawn by the OpenGL library. OpenGL allows not only the hardware acceleration of drawing 2D and 3D objects but especially an easy portability to all supported platforms (Windows, Linux). There is one disadvantage because of the amount of functions - the working interface is quite confusing at first. Blender has gone through a long development in the past few years and now it offers tools which are comparable to commercial 3D applications from the middle class. Examples of usage:.
creation of interactive applications (dynamic elements, collisions of objects). modeling using the inverse kinematics, fluid dynamics, particle systems. effects simulating gravitation or wind Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) Graphical Editors for DTP Adobe Systems Incorporated. Flash - Adobe (previously Macromedia) Flash is a program for vector graphics. Flash became a global standard for creating interactive multimedia applications for web, personal computers and mobile devices. Using this technology you can create fascinating web presentations, attractive advertising campaigns, commercial and educational applications, on-line games or interactive animations and videos.
Flash contains its own object-oriented programming language ActionScript which can be used to extend the possibilities of interactive animations and application development. The advantage of Flash which caused the massive expansion in the Internet is that the output files are quite small because all data are kept in vector format. Flash animations do not slow down the process of loading websites and a user does not have to install any special atypical software except Adobe Flash Player.
Flash replaced the format GIF which was used for animated banners in the past. Flash has also its weaknesses which reduce its usability - it can work only with RGB color scheme and is not very compatible with other programs. Another disadvantage is the processing of text - wrong engine (drawing text inside program) and not enough possibilities in settings. Flash exports files to two basic formats:.SWF – file size is small, can be opened in any web browser.
To open this file you need a player – Adobe Flash Player (free of charge).EXE – format designed to be launched in Windows, the file size is bigger because the Flash Player is implemented inside. Examples of usage:. banners. animations, games. image galleries. web menus with effects.
dynamic web presentations. videoplayers. advertisement. learning CDs Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ). Indesign - Adobe InDesign is a professional tool designed for graphic and typographic projects which are needed for prepass (preparation of materials for printing), draft and breaking pages. It is closely connected to other applications – it cooperates with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop (portability of file formats, elaborated management of colors and uniform user interface in all Adobe applications).
InDesign is used not only for drafts and creation of files for printing, but also for creation of electronic documents. Using different tools you can fully control the layout of various objects in the page and apply effects on them. The program offers quality output, wide possibilities of data export and connection with other Adobe programs of course. In 2002 InDesign became the first DTP software developed for Mac OS X.
The next supported operating system was MS Windows. Examples of usage:. drafts for printing and digital on-line documents. content which can be opened with the application Adobe Flash® Player. interactive PDF documents Samples: (source: ) (source: ) (source: ) Additional Texts.