Apple Ipod 5gb For Mac
Use Mac-formatted Apple iPod Nano on a Windows PC? January 15, 2016 / Dave Taylor / iPod and MP3 Player Help / No Comments My son gave me his old Apple iPod Nano (the rectangular one with the wheel controller) and when I plug it into my Windows 7 system, it just complains that it’s a Mac format device and won’t let me do anything other than reformat it.
Brief bullets of what's happening with the announcement of Apple's new digital device gathered from a variety of sources:. Jobs reviews Apple's 'digital hub' concept announced in January. Speaks of the Mac as the focal point of one's digital lifestyle. Jobs mentions early November as ship time for iDVD2.
(from macminute:) Apple introduces iPod, a digital audio player (MP3, MP2, more) with a 5GB hard drive (1000 songs). 20 minute skip protection. FireWire-equipped, first such music player.
10 hour battery, lithium-polymar ('most advanced battery; more advanced than laptop batteries'), takes 1 hour to charge. Size of a deck of cards: 2.4' wide, 4' tall, 3/4' thick. (from macminute:) Backlit LCD display, playlist support, ID3 tag support, very fast and easy to go through list of songs and playlist with a scroll wheel. Interfaces with iTunes. iTunes 2 coming in November. iPod will ship November 10. iPod price = $399 (see it at ) to Apple's iPod product page.
It's worth nothing that this device doubles as a 5GB portable firewire HD for moving files here and there. While there are larger capacity, HD-based, portable MP3 players out there-all of them are larger than the iPod (significantly so).
The iPod seems to hit a 'sweet spot' between size and storage capacity, while offering impressive battery life. $399 is a touch higher than many would anticipate, it seems.
Apple Mac For School
Not that dissapointing The reason why everyone's dissapointed is because we had our hopes up for this incredible device that would do everything you could possibly use the word 'digital' in and most of the things you can't. The truth is that is really is revolutionary. Where do you see 5 gigs in an Mp3 player? If Apple had gone with something completely and utterly new, it would probably go down the hole that the cube and the newton went down. They were ahead of their time, and suffered because of it.
Apple can't have another disaster like the Cube, so they decided to stay just a bit ahead of the game. As long as apple markets it effectively, I think it's gonna do really well.

The product really looks great, give it a chance guys! For all those folks complaining that the iPod should only cost about $90. I'd like to be able to buy a new Mercedes SLK for 6grand, or maybe a Gulfstream for 25Grand too - sad fact is, it costs much more than that to maufacture these items (actual cost of the materials, R&D, labor, shipping, storage.
All that biz school crap). I agree, if the iPod werer $90 I'd already have a couple on order, but seeing as how I can barely buy the component drive and a decent pair of headphones fot the price of the iPod, I'm willing to let Apple charge $399. Those of you clamoring for $100 items would be the same ones bitching in 3-6 months about Apple's idiocy in taking a 200% loss on an item just to put it on the market.
Apple Mac Computers
Too bad we all don't have fairy godmothers to help keep our fantasy worlds running smoothly. Re: re: and another thing yes it's cool, but it is cost prohibitive. Sure you can design and build something nobody else did or can, but this isn't art this is a commodity, and commodities tend to be held hostage to some sort of economic system where people trade stuff for it.
Note also that apple is saying 'everyone will want one' - well no., but who will pay for one? Look at rolls royce, bentley, lamborghini, maserati, etc. These producers of exquisite objects had to be saved by more viable businesses because their business model wasn't working, they couldn't develop technologies quick enough and their r&d was.

And the tech industries are a little more fast-paced and cutthroat than the automotive one. The model works okay for the niche apple has developed in the design fields, but why would they move into another market consumer electronics and put themselves immediately in a niche? Yes apple develops cool products, but if they could sometime just make something that not only would everybody want, but more than 5% could afford.
Notice who the saviors of the auto industry are: vw bentley, lambo, bugatti; bmw roverkind of, rolls; fiat/ferrari maserati. Each of those companies has found a model that works, so well in fact that they had enough extra time/money/peeps to buy someone else and turn them around.
Whatever, i gotta work.
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